Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Slumber Party

Ever since we came back from our trip, Jackson has a new favorite activity.  He loves his jumper; however, he is a bit skinny for it so I have to put a towel behind his back for more support.  Sometimes he does get mad at the toys because he has a hard time reaching them.  He will fight and rock until he gets there!!  This toy has kept him busy, which is great because it allows me time to get all the laundry done from our trip!

This week, Jackson has really started reaching and grabbing things.  So, just laying under his play gym is not enough any more.  He gets mad because he can not reach all of the toys.  I had to make-do with what he I sit him by his play gym in his Bumbo.  It was a hit because he could reach all of his toys!  He loves it.

Emily, Jim, and Mom all went to Florida yesterday, but before they left they had to see the little guy.  So, we meet them at Fazoli's for lunch.  Jackson had an extra special surprise for his Auntie Em...we bought it in Atlanta.  She wasn't too big of a fan....but Gigi liked it.

Yesterday was our three year anniversary.  Andrew and I went to dinner at Demos' in Nashville, where we ate the day after we got married  Andrew's parents offered to keep Jackson overnight for us.  After several days of debating, Andrew and I decided that we would let them keep him.  Boy was it tough.  I packed little buddies bags for his slumber party, and I won't lie I did shed a tear or two.  All day I was so worked up and worried about him, that I even forgot his milk at home.  We had to go back and get that before we left for Nashville.  I was really proud of myself, because when we dropped him off, I didn't cry.  Andrew and I had a great anniversary, but it was super quiet at home.  Both of us walked into Jackson's nursery and made comments about how the room still had the little buddy baby smell.  And I did shed a tear or two because I missed rocking and reading a bedtime story to my buddy.  But most of all, I missed giving in a good night kiss!!  It will probably be awhile before he has another slumber party again.

For my anniversary present, Andrew got me a Pandora bracelet.  He picked it all out by himself and I love it.  The charms he got me are a little boy and a baby carriage:)

I got him a striping kit for the yard.  Ever since we have moved in and got our sod Andrew will spend hours with his grass.  He tried it out tonight, but it was too dark to get a good picture so I will have to upload one later.  But little buddy did watch daddy mow....he just loves being outside.


We both agreed that it was too quiet in the house without him:)  To make matters worse, Andrew and I both had to go to work without being able to see him, but we did face time with him before leaving to work:)  Boy was I counting down the minutes till the end of my professional development day so I could see my sweet boy.  The best part of my day was when I saw his huge smile on his face when he saw me:)

And of course when we got home, I get to see more of that smile during his picture of the day photo session.

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