Friday, July 8, 2011

Family Vacation Day 2--Aquarium

Well Bragg family is on it's first family vacation!  After eating at Cheddar's one night and seeing how much Jackson loved watching the fish, Andrew and I decided that we wanted to go to a town that had an aquarium for our family vacation.  At first we thought about going to Cincinnati, but after I researched their aquarium and found out they do not allow stroller (only on Monday and Tuesdays) during the summer that was a no go!  There was no way we would carry him around an aquarium that long...So we thought about Atlanta.  Andrew and I have been to that aquarium before and we know our way around Atlanta somewhat.  So, we also thought what a perk..there's an IKEA there too!! 

Day one: We decided that we would drive to Atlanta during the night after Andrew got off work.  We thought this would be better for J man because he could sleep.  And boy where we right...he snoozed from around Franklin to Manchester. 

Little Trooper riding
 Then we to a break for dinner, and he slept from Manchester all the way to Atlanta!!  He even stayed asleep during an hour of stand still traffic in Chattanooga!  He's such a trooper!  On our road trip, he got to see his first semi truck!  He was amazed at it was very curious. 

I don't know which one likes the semis more
Then, he got to get on his first hotel bed.  Unlike most older kids, he couldn't jump on the bed, but boy did he roll over on the bed.  As soon as he was layed down he rolled right over to his belly and just smiled and talked to us. 

I like this hotel bed:)
 We were worried he might not sleep good during the night because he slept the whole car ride but boy where we wrong!  He slept his normal time till 9 am.

Day two:  Today was the Georgia aquarium day:)  Oh course being the dork mother that I am...I dressed Jackson in a shark shirt for the aquarium and his bib had a whale on it.  To make me a bigger dork..all of the extra outfits in his diaper bag where fish themed too...But I felt better when I got to the aquarium and found out I wasn't the only mother like that! 

Whale shirt and all..ready for the aquarium
As soon as you get into the aquarium, one of the first exhibits has a huge tunnel that you can walk through with fish, sharks, rays, etc.  Jackson's eyes got huge with excitement.  He started kicking and laughing!  Andrew and I were like...yupe we picked a winner for this trip:)  And the day just got better and better after this moment. 
with momma in the tunnel 

with daddy in the tunnel

very into the tropical fish
Jackson just loved the aquarium!  He enjoyed watching all of the fish, sharks, and whales. Most of all, he enjoyed people watching.  He would just stare at people and almost look at them like what?

To make today even harder on momma, we had to start formula supplement.  This boy is growing like a weed!  He eats 6 1/2 ounces every 2-3 hours.  Well, momma couldn't keep up with that so we had to start supplementing with formula today.  I was really worried and kinda depressed about it until Jackson took that formula bottle like champ!  He didn't even act like the milk was any different.  To make matters better, he didn't have any spit up or allergic reactions as well!  My little man is just growing up. 

Happy boy after his first formula bottle:)

Right now, daddy and son are taking a nap at the hotel:)  We are about to go to dinner and then big boy is going to take a dip in a real pool for the first time!!

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